Author: Bruce


Big Walleyes? Nope, nothing to see here!

If you want to catch some big, maybe even enormous walleyes, here’s what you should do. Go to Lake Erie. Or Lake of The Woods. Perhaps northern Minnesota. Don’t bother with Green Bay or Door County. Nope. Nothing to catch here. Just pass us right by. Oh, who am I...


The Gentlemanly Harbor Angler

I have evolved into a “Gentleman Angler”. Meaning that I tend to target fish who have the good sense to actively bite during a reasonable time of the day. I typically am not out on the water until I have had time for a cup or two of coffee at...


A Tale of Two Tournament Days

We can close the books on the 35th Annual Baileys Harbor Brown Trout Tournament.  This year’s tournament featured plenty of big fish including the top five fish coming in over twenty pounds. The top twenty-five fish all measured over 30-inches, with most over 34-inches. Of those twenty-five largest fish, eleven were registered...