Author: Bruce


A Three Day Bender

It was bound to happen. After almost six weeks of imposed abstinence, it was inevitable. A red-blooded angler can only take so much. There are desires that must be attended to.  Since hip replacement surgery earlier this winter, my fishing opportunities were much limited. Open water options were non-existent. Ice fishing...


Back in the Saddle

After 35 days, 21 hours and 14 minutes, I finally felt a fish in the line again. Released all the walleyes at DePere, but felt good to be fishing again. And judging by the number of other anglers, I am not alone in the feeling.


2023 Brown Trout Update, March 10th

I took a road trip this week with tournament director Cynde Ploor to the southern ports participating in the Baileys Harbor Brown Trout Tournament. This gave us an opportunity to meet some of the business owners and staff at the various locations that support the tournament. It also gave me...


2023 Brown Trout Update, March 2nd

You don’t need a boat to take part in the Baileys Harbor Brown Trout Tournament. The vast majority of anglers participating each year fish out of a boat. Most of the top fish caught over the years have been by trolling various artificial baits near shore or just offshore. Boats...


2023 Brown Trout Update, February 24th

Up until the recent winter storm, the bayside and much of the lakeside looked like we could be getting out on open water chasing brown trout by early March. The satellite image from February 19th (see below) showed the lake and much of the bay ice free. Most of the...


At Last, Whitefish! (But for How Long?)

As we rumbled out onto the ice of Green Bay, where in a normal winter, we would gaze out over a sprawling “WhitefishTown”, all that could be seen was a modest whitefish hamlet, comprised of about a dozen dark red guide shacks surrounded by a menagerie of blue Clams, red...


A Tough (No Ice?) Season!

One of the best ways to get an overall sense of the ice conditions on Green Bay and area lakes is to access the MODIS satellite images of Lake Michigan on the NOAA Coast Watch Great Lakes website. These are real color images developed by the University of Wisconsin Madison Space Science...